Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan sign agreement for Parvati-KalisindhChambal river linking project.
Parvati-Kalisindh-Chambal River Linking Project:
- Agreement signed between Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan governments for Rs 72,000 crore project.
- Aims to harvest surplus water from Chambal basin during the rainy season.
- Targets drinking water, industrial water, and irrigation in 13 districts of both states.
- Will supplement irrigation for 2.8 lakh hectares and enhance water resource utilization.
- Benefits include solving water shortage and potential agreements in tourism, medical, and
mining sectors.
Chambal River:
- Originates in Vindhya Mountains, flows through Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, and joins Yamuna in Uttar Pradesh.
River Linking Project:
- Proposed in 1919; formalized under National Water Development Agency in 1982.
- Supreme Court directive led to planning; Atal Bihari Vajpayee initiated Ken-Betwa Link Project in 2016.